Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Public Meeting 1: Northdale Recreation Center

The first required public meeting I attended was at the Northdale Recreation Center. The matter they were discussing was about the two intersections on Dale Mabry Highway at North Lakeview Drive and Northdale Boulevard. The two intersections were acknowledged by the County’s Department of Public Works as being two locations that have had severe traffic delay due to multiple accidents and the overcrowded roads. I was surprised to see how many people were at this meeting considering this didn’t seem to be something that would strike interest to the public. They even had to pull out extra chairs at one point to lend a hand to those who didn’t have a seat. A Preliminary Design and Engineering Study was conducted to establish enhancements to the intersections to diminish the traffic and improve the safety on these roads. The study found that the two intersections flow of traffic is horrible due to the lack of turning lanes. The study concluded that traffic safety and operation could be enhanced by: “Modifying and / or closing off the two nearest median openings that are located on North Lakeview within close proximity to the intersection on North Dale Mabry Highway” and by “Modifying and closing off the nearest median opening located on Northdale Boulevard within close proximity to the intersection on North Dale Mabry Highway.” They showed a video to everyone to demonstrate how they were going to improve these intersections. The video was very informative and provided specific details how the county would improve this. We were also given a pamphlet that listed all of these details. Most of the details were similar for the two intersections. For example, the county plans to widen both roads to make room for extra turning lanes. Also, they would replace streetlights and create traffic separators.

I found this meeting to be a little dull for me because I do not drive on either of these roads regularly. I know that most of the people attending must either drive on the roads frequently or was involved in many of the accidents on these roads. At one point one of the city officials or speakers said there was a possible option that was not mentioned on our pamphlet, which would prohibit any construction and leave it the way it is. As a frequent driver on Bruce B Downs by the construction by i75, I could definitely understand why many people applauded at this point. Construction traffic stinks! I think everyone can agree on that; however, I do understand that the county’s first concern is our own safety.

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